Friday, October 29, 2010

TV | The Lost Room | PASS

What a GREAT comic book adaptation! Creative story about a detective whose life gets entwine with a mysterious "lost room" - a place that doesn't exist in time and space. This was a six episode mini-series. Highly recommended and definitely a PASS!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

TV | Luther | Fail

This well done, dark and stark English crime drama just didn't catch our fancy. It probably has a good ending at it's final and sixth episode, but we didn't make it that far. There weren't any likable characters and the plot didn't really interest us. Would probably appeal to some, but unfortunately a Fail for us.

Monday, October 11, 2010

TV | Todd Margaret | Fail

AKA "The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret".

Have only seen the pilot so far. Had promise. Some elements hit while others missed (the ending, in particular). Liked the cast and the premise is rather original. We'll see. Update coming.

Update: A Ye Old Fail. None of the characters are even remotely likable, entertaining or interesting. The jokes all fall flat and more often turn as nasty as possible, to negative effect. Clearly, they enjoyed making this show and the cast has such HUGE potential. But, it doesn't work at all on this show. A bummer and, ultimately, a Fail.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Movie | Freaked | Pass

It was fun to revisit this loopy, crass, loud and unpolished creative classic of punk rock cinema (that isn't a documentary). Great cast, music that will put you on edge, great visuals and plot and overacted to the umpteenth degree...if you're ready for it, have at it! Not for kids or even squeamish adults. Pass!

Movie | Holy Water | Fail

Tried to get through the beginning of this Irish tale of a woebegone village a couple of times. But, the characters were just too downtrodden. They probably strike it rich at some point and find that they were better off.

Might try again, but don't wait around for the review!

Movie | The Time Traveler's Wife | Fail

Lost interest after about 20 minutes. Couldn't see the point and was bothered by the terrible writing. Slick cinematography, though, and the very cool Eric Bana is in it. But, that's it. See Bana in Love The Beast instead. Fail.

Bana looks worried that he got himself into a dud in the still to the left. Which he did. Oops.

Friday, October 1, 2010

TV | No Ordinary Family | Pass

This was a surprisingly super pilot about a family that acquires superhero abilities. I wasn't expecting anything from this show and it turned out to be a lot of fun. Probably not appropriate for kids under 14-15, but worth a gander! A Pass.