Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Movie | Lucky Break | Pass

We had a great time watching this monster cast.

TV | Suburban Shootout | Pass

A lot of fun.

Movie | Red 2 | Pass

Entertaining. Lots of explosions.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Movie | Lesbian Vampire Killers | Pass

Absolutely ridiculous, yet baudy fun. From the director of Shaun of the Dead and starring Mathew Horne and James Corden from Gavin & Stacey.

TV | Not Going Out | Fail

Despite the (eventual) presence of Miranda Hart, the incessant laugh track and lack of character development turned us off.

Movie | 47 Ronin | Fail

Hollywood blockbuster barf.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Movie | Vanishing Waves | PAss

Slow as molasses but mind bending.

TV | Outnumbered | Fail

Just didn't really like it.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Movie | The World's End | PASs

An absolute riot.

Movie | Elysium | PASs

Fantastic followup to District 9. Some will compare this to that film. And rightly so. Interestingly, it's more similar than anything else. Blomkamp didn't stray far from the formula, just added a huge cast this time around. But the expected stunning visuals, relentless pace, a social commentary-driven script and a fantastic soundtrack by first-time composer Ryan Amon make this a winner for all but the most jaded.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

TV | Green Wing | Fail

TV | Phoenix Nights | Fail

Movie | Blood & Donuts | Pass

Fun, slow-paced, low-budget, comedy horror about a reluctant vampire. It felt and looked very 80s, though it was released mid-90s. I rather enjoyed it. Loved the music.

Comments from Significant Other: Kinda dumb. I didn't like it. Not a lot going on and the acting was terrible.

TV | Nighty Night | Fail

Featuring much of the same cast from the sweet and engaging Gavin & Stacey. The problem here is that everything is the opposite; the characters are neither sweet nor engaging.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Movie | Larry Crowne | Pass

Predictable but cute.

Movie | The Decline of Western Civilization: Part III | PAss

By the mid-90s, I'd mostly lost interest in punk music. For me, it became its' own mode of conformity, everything it screamed to high heaven that it was against. I saw more and more kids wearing exactly the same thing, the music was no longer that creative, kids that didn't conform to the punk ethos were scorned and it was all a front for so much pain.

So this film was very interesting to me. What happened since I stopped caring? Shot in the late 90s...not too much. The only thing really different was that the mainstream had adopted it as part of the culture, which just confirmed my old feelings. The kids in this documentary (which is just as great as the first two installments) mostly rejected all of that, but it was because they were just playing the same old game of numbing their internal pain.

I think, from what little I've seen these days, things are even worse. Punk music is dead. It had to, by its' very nature.

Long live punk and this movie desperately needs to be released on DVD and download.

Movie | Deterrence | Fail

Boring and not very well shot. Some the dialogue is poor, too.

Movie | Unicorn City | Fail

I suppose this would be good if you're a hardcore gamer. It's not poorly done, just not engaging.

TV | Stella (UK) | Fail

Ruth Jones is clearly brilliant and this is clearly a good show. The problem here lies solely with us. We couldn't understand a word they said, their accent was so thick. So not really a fail per say, more a failure on our part.

No relation to the US comedy troupe.

Movie | Nina Conti: Talk to the Hand | Pass

Comedy performance documentary starring the always funny ventriloquist, Nina Conti. I don't normally like this sort of thing, but she's brilliant.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Mystery Movie Special Challenges

Return to Leader Board

Special Challenges
  1. Alphabet City - The House (Car-Movie Crossover) 
  2. Day Watch - The House (Car-Movie Crossover)
  3. "Redrum", The Shining and "Nilbog", Troll 2 - The House (What's My Line? - Two movies featuring backward words) 
  4. Chevrolet Monte Carlo/Training Day - The House (Car-Movie Crossover)
  5. Plymouth Barracuda/The Wraith - The House (Car-Movie Crossover) 
  6. Dodge Grand Caravan Blacktop/Two-Lane Blacktop - The House (Car-Movie Crossover) 
  7. Kia Rio/Hyundai Santa Fe/Chevrolet Colorado/Cadillac Eldorado - The House (Car-Movie Crossover - models that share names with a movie, city and river)
  8. Ford Mainline/Hitchcock - The House (Car-Movie Crossover)
  9. Lexus GS400/Ghost Dog - Russell G (Car-Movie Crossover)
  10. Ford Taurus/Robocop - Paul K (Car-Movie Crossover)
  11. Lincoln Continental Mark III/The Car - The House (Car-Movie Crossover)
  12. Unsolved!!!! No answer...? - NOBODY (Separated At Birth? - Name a Western from the 80s and the 90s that share the same title)
  13. The Eagle and The Hawk - The House (Separated At Birth? - Name a war drama from the 30s and a Western from the 50s that shared the same title)
  14. Star Wars - Nessa D (Captain Obvio)
  15. Wizard of Oz - Jeremy C (Captain Obvio)
  16. E.T. - Nessa D (Captain Obvio)
  17. Enter the Dragon - Chris D (Captain Obvio)
  18. Harold and Maude - Jeremy C (Captain Obvio)
  19. The Goonies - Nessa D (Captain Obvio)
  20. The Big Lebowski - Nessa D (Captain Obvio) 
  21. The Maltese Falcon - Russell G (Captain Obvio) 
  22. BMW 325ic/Ruby Sparks - Nessa D (Car-Movie Crossover) 
  23. Blade Runner - Jeremy C (Captain Obvio) 
  24. Herbie the Love Bug, VW Beetle - Nessa D (Car-Movie Crossover)
  25. The Other Guys, Toyota ECHO Roxy Edition - Nessa D (Car-Movie Crossover)
  26. Corvette Summer - Nessa D (Car-Movie Crossover)
  27. Ishtar - The House (Captain Obvio) 

Mystery Movie Contest: Leader Board, Part 1

Rules: http://k2isee.blogspot.com/2012/05/mystery-movie-contest-rules.html

Specials: http://k2isee.blogspot.com/2013/12/mystery-movie-special-challenges.html

This list continues on a different page, due to site limitations. For the newest entries, go here:

Leader Board 
  1. Leon: The Professional - Michael P
  2. The Lookout - Amul S
  3. Source Code - Jeremy C
  4. Better Off Dead... - Chris D
  5. Le Dernier Combat (The Final Battle) - The House
  6. The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension - Jeremy C
  7. Kontroll - The House 
  8. Legend - Michael P 
  9. Track 29 - Jeremy C 
  10. Dust Devil - The House 
  11. Forbidden Zone - The House 
  12. Escape From New York - Jeremy C
  13. Chungking Express - Ben F (Submitted by Ben F)
  14. A Life Less Ordinary - Chris D (Submitted by Jeremy C)
  15. Martyrs - Jason S (Player Submitted by Jason S)
  16. The Butcher Boy - Michael P (Submitted by Michael P) 
  17. Bad Boy Bubby - The House
  18. Kikujiro - Jason S (Submitted by Jason S) 
  19. Spice World - Chris D 
  20. Prospero's Books - Michael P (Submitted by Chris D)
  21. Altered States - Michael P (Submitted by Michael P) 
  22. Kin Dza Dza - Jason S 
  23. Iron Sky - Jeremy C 
  24. Rust and Bone - Jeremy C
  25. B.U.S.T.E.D. - The House
  26. Angel-A - Jason S
  27. City of Lost Children - Jason S 
  28. Rubber - Jason S 
  29. Rock & Rule - Julie F 
  30. Timecrimes - Jason S
  31. Arsenic and Old Lace - Jeremy C
  32. Electric Dreams - Jeremy C
  33. Razorback - The House
  34. Doggiewoggiez! Poochiewoochiez! - The House 
  35. After Hours - Rob K
  36. Hackers - Jeremy C
  37. The Adventures of Baron Munchausen - Jeremy C
  38. La Horde - Jason S
  39. La Jetee - The House
  40. Cashback - Mike K 
  41. Love The Beast - Mike K
  42. Fear of a Black Hat - Jason S
  43. Wild Zero - Chris D
  44. Dead Alive - Chris D
  45. Hell Comes to Frogtown - The House
  46. The Black Hole - Jeremy C
  47. Beyond the Black Rainbow - Jason S
  48. The Champions of Justice - The House
  49. Big Money Rustlas - The House
  50. One of Our Dinosaurs Is Missing - The House
  51. The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension - Mike K
  52. The Hidden - Rob K
  53. Dabaang - Amul S
  54. Metropolis - Jason S
  55. Dante's Inferno - Michael P
  56. The Proposition - Jason S
  57. The Matador - Mike K
  58. Arthur and the Invisibles - The House
  59. And Soon The Darkness - The House
  60. Bronson - Michael P 
  61. Cargo - The House
  62. The Enemy Below - Rob K
  63. The Beast of War - The House
  64. Cemetary Man - Michael P
  65. Battle Royale - Jeremy C
  66. Alien Trespass - Jeremy C
  67. 301, 302 - The House
  68. Samurai Avenger: The Blind Wolf - Jason S
  69. Mindwalk - The House
  70. The Intouchables - Jason S
  71. Z Channel: A Magnificent Obsession - The House
  72. Erin Brokovich - Jeremy C
  73. A Boy and His Dog - Michael P
  74. Slam Dance - The House
  75. Flashdance - The House
  76. The Way - Jason S
  77. Sound of My Voice - Paul M
  78. Stardust - Jeremy C
  79. Sound of Noise - The House
  80. Miss Bala - Jason S
  81. Quartermass and the Pit - Michael P
  82. Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid - Jeremy P
  83. Dante 01 - The House
  84. Code 46 - The House
  85. Devil - Jason S
  86. The Terror of Tiny Town - Jeremy C
  87. A Town Called Panic - The House
  88. A Prayer for the Dying - The House
  89. Anvil: The Story of Anvil - The House
  90. Son of Rambow - Michael P
  91. UHF - Chris D (Submitted by Jeremy C)
  92. Pathfinder (1987) - Michael P
  93. Freaky Faron - Nessa D
  94. Cool As Ice - The House
  95. S Darko - Jason S
  96. Encounters at the End of the World - Jason S
  97. The Big Blue - The House
  98. The Stuff - The House
  99. Subway - Russell G
  100. Birthday Girl - The House
  101. Searching for Sugar Man - The House
  102. Iron & Silk - The House
  103. Alphaville - The House
  104. Aquirre: The Wrath of God - Micheal P
  105. Wild Strawberries - The House
  106. The Navigator A Mediaeval Odyssey - Micheal P (Submitted by Michael P)
  107. Conqueror Worm - The House
  108. The Seventh Seal - Jeremy C
  109. Detour - The House
  110. A Matter of Life and Death - The House
  111. Bad Day at Black Rock - Russell G
  112. Picnic at Hanging Rock - Michael P
  113. Dead Man's Shoes - Jason S
  114. Letters from a Dead Man - The House
  115. I Am Legend - Mike K
  116. Upstream Color - The House
  117. What's Up, Tiger Lilly? - Paul M
  118. Cloud Atlas - Chris D
  119. Gallowwalkers - The House
  120. Eagle Vs. Shark - The House
  121. Buena Vista Social Club - Jake N
  122. Marley - The House
  123. City of Ember - Jeremy C  (movie series with a fire-related title)
  124. Flake and Flames - The House (movie series with a fire-related title)
  125. Streets of Fire - Drew J (movie series with a fire-related title)
  126. City Heat - The House (movie series with a fire-related title)
  127. Cooley High - Rob K (Submitted by Rob K)
  128. Flame and Citron - Jason S (movie series with a fire-related title)
  129. Cornbread, Earl and Me - Rob K (Submitted by Rob K)
  130. Man on Fire - The House (movie series with a fire-related title)
  131. An Evening with Robin Williams - The House (Dedicated to Casey F)
  132.  Jo Jo Dancer, Your Life Is Calling - The House (Dedicated to Casey F)
  133. Blaze - The House (movie series with a fire-related title)
  134. Firestarter - Michael P (movie series with a fire-related title)
  135. Smoke - The House (movie series with a fire-related title)
  136. Fireworks - The House (movie series with a fire-related title / aka Hana-bi)
  137. Point Blank (1967) - The House
  138. Grosse Pointe Blank - Michael P
  139. Point Blank (1998) - The House
  140. Z.P.G. - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  141. At Point Blank (2003) - The House
  142. Point Blank (2010) - The House (fifth and final "Point Blank" movie)
  143. Flesh Gordon - Jeremy C (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  144. Prayer for the Roller Boys - - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  145. Battletruck - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  146.  Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  147. Crime Zone - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  148. Destroyer (1988) - Jeremy C  (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  149. Planet of the Vampires - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  150. A Report on the Party and Guests - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  151. Invasion of the Space Preachers - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  152. Self Defense - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  153. The Gate - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  154. Condorman - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  155. Persona - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years) 
  156. Three O'Clock High - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)  
  157. Zardoz - Chris D (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  158. Crossover (aka Mr. Patman) - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  159. Wait Until Dark - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years) 
  160. Liquid Sky - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  161. Nightmare at Noon - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  162. First Spaceship on Venus - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  163. Jaguar Lives! - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  164. Return To Oz - Michael P (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  165. Santa Claus Conquers The Martians - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  166. Maximum Overdrive - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  167. Night of the Comet - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  168. The Hawks and the Sparrows - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  169. Band of the Hand - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  170. Mac and Me - Jeremy C (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  171. The Happening - Nessa D (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  172. Lady in White - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  173. Hiding Out - Nessa D (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  174. Nosferatu - Rob K (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  175. Phantom of the Paradise - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  176. The Brother from Another Planet - Trevor P (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  177. The Face of Another - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  178. TerrorVision - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  179. The Handmaid's Tale - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  180. The Video Dead - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  181. Handgun (aka Deep in the Heart) - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  182. The Warrior and the Sorceress - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  183. Joysticks - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  184. Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone - Michael P (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  185. Idaho Transfer - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  186. Tromeo and Juliet - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  187. The Devil's Rain - Paul M (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  188. The Deserter - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  189. Night of the Living Dead - Michael P (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  190. WarGames - Michael P (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  191. Deadly Friend - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years) 
  192. Blue Monkey - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  193. Deathtrap - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years) 
  194. Quintet - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  195. Salt and Pepper - Nessa D (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  196. Gleaming The Cube - Michael P (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  197. No Blade of Grass - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  198. The Care Bears Movie - Jeremy C (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  199. The 10th Victim - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)
  200. Search and Destroy - The House (The Little Saigon Video Store Years)