Friday, May 11, 2012

Mystery Movie Contest Rules

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The Rules
  1. You must list the title of the movie
  2. A description and your opinion of the film is not required, but encouraged
  3. You do not need to specify the year of release, unless noted
  4. Requesting another picture (to see another angle, scene or character) is perfectly acceptable
  5. No movies that were not release in a major way (theater, DVD, etc.)
  6. If you are the first person to guess, but are incorrect, you will receive half of a point (.5)
  7. Determined by The House, a reasonable amount of time will be allowed for players to make a guess (a good chunk of one day). After that time, The House wins the point
  8. You are allowed ONE guess. Well, you can guess as many times as you want, but your first one is the only one that counts
  9. NO image search tools are allowed. This is a contest of knowledge. But, if you have an inkling of what it is, you ARE allowed to search for information in any media desired (internet, books, friends and relatives)
  10. You ARE allowed to speak of Mystery Movie (this ain't no Fight Club)
  11. Don't say, "I knew that one, are you guys impressed?" after the answer has been revealed. You didn't and we aren't.
  12. Anybody suspected of cheating will have their guess disqualified and the scorn of the cinemaniac universe
  13. Guest Mystery Movies preclude The House. The guest poster assumes that role, so The House cannot score a point
  14. The official Mystery Movie theme song is "Cracked Actor" by David Bowie
  15. Inactive players may occasionally lose a point to allow other players who are active more of a chance to advance to a higher position on the leader board. This is at the discretion of "The House" and can be contested by said players, who may also regain their position by not being so darn lazy and playing the game
  16. The House is not eligible for a Firsty or Efforty half-point, only a Winner full point.
  17. Whichever player is at the top of the board is not eligible for a Firsty or Efforty half-point, only a Winner full point. This is so that other players have more of a chance to compete for the top spot.

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