Friday, December 30, 2016

Movie | Murder Party | LIKED It

Okay, so this first feature from the dynamic Saulnier-Blair duo wasn't quite the level of their next two films, but it was still darn enjoyable and hugely creative. And it was still better than 99% of the big budget drek out there.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Movie | Daughters of Satan | Didn't Like It

So bad and yet we watched the whole thing. This was one of Tom Selleck's first movie roles and he's in his late 20s in it. Which is not necessarily a good thing, so matter how you look at it. Selleck never meets Satan, by the way. Now you know.

TV | Mad Dogs (UK) | Liked It

So good. But since we've already seen the remake, there weren't many surprises.

TV | Humans (Series 2) | Liked It

Continues to be quite good, if a bit slow.

Monday, December 26, 2016

TV | Motherland (Pilot) | Liked It

We were surprised by how much we actually enjoyed this. I didn't have high hopes, but I did know this was from Graham Linehan (Ideal), Sharon Hogan (Catastrophe) and had Paul Ready (Utopia) in the cast. I hope they get a full series...this was just the one episode?!? Is this the new thing with English television; wing a pilot out there and see if it sticks? That kinda sucks.

Movie | Highway to Hell | Liked It

Hokey fun. All sorts of great little cameos, including the entire Stiller family.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Movie | Green Room | REALLY Liked It

Despite some Rule #1 breakage, this was flat out excellent. The monster cast includes Anton Yelchin in one of his last appearances, which is heartbreaking. After the incredible Blue Ruin and this movie, Jeremy Saluiner is now one of my favorite directors and Macon Blair one of my favorite actors. Blair is more subdued in this, mainly because he plays a supporting role. But his performance is so nuanced and charismatic that he's nearly unrecognizable from BR. I wouldn't have picked the four actors that play the punk band, but they work perfectly. And Poots is outstanding, despite her last name.

This is the kind of movie that a lot of people aren't going to get. It's complicated in its simplicity and there are many confusing moments purposefully written in and I had to watch the entire thing with the English subtitles on, even though everybody is speaking English. They mutter and it's hard to catch what they're saying. But those points just prove that this is the sort of film for truly complex and demanding film-goers.

Brutal. Nerve wracking. Scary. Surreal, yet frighteningly realistic. Fantastic. One of the best movies I've seen this year, no doubt.

TV | Sense8 (Xmas Special) | Really Liked It

Simply spectacular. Bring on the new season!

TV | Josh (Series 2) | Liked It

Some of the magic seems to be gone, but this was still enjoyable enough.

TV | Zapped | Liked It

This was fun, but only three episodes?!? C'mon!

Friday, December 23, 2016

TV | Black Mirror (Series 3) | Really Liked It

Netflix didn't muck it up, thankfully. Continues to be mind-blowing.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

TV | Leah Remini: Scientology... | Really Liked It

Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath. A reality show with not only a purpose, but also social consciousness? Yep! Fascinating and well worth watching.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Movie | Uncanny | Really Liked It

This had Lucy Griffiths in it, from Preacher! Very reminiscent of Ex Machina.

TV | Chewing Gum | Didn't Like It

Though this show may not have been all that great, Michaela Coel is one to watch, for sure.

TV | Man Down | Didn't Like It

Too dopey, sadly. Greg Davies is still great.

TV | Damned | Didn't Like It

Sort of like The Office, just not good or funny.

TV | Yonderland (Series 3) | Really Liked It

Laughed and laughed!

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Movie | Pulling Strings | Liked It

Predictable, a little too long and not very original. Still, it was cute and the cast was quite good. The goofy bad guy bodyguard who couldn't count was a great touch.

Movie | Live Forever | Liked It-ish

AKA Live Forever: The Rise and Fall of Britpop. Could have been better, actually. Terrifically painful to see and hear these genius musicians in person. They are not what I'd call good or empathetic characters, they're so lost in the contemplation of their own greatness.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Sunday, December 11, 2016

TV | The Grand Tour | Didn't Like It

Wow; awful. Unimaginative in the extreme. They should be embarrassed as they shovel Amazon's money into their offshore bank accounts. There is literally nothing new here and nothing of worth, not even from a purely entertainment angle, any longer. They need to stop this and do something else.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

TV | Incorporated | Didn't Like It

Unoriginal and nearly entirely predictable. Syfy returns to its bad old ways, though the cast is good and the production level high.

Movie | Swiss Army Man | Really Liked It

A special movie that I liked a lot, but would never recommend to anybody. Dano and Radcliffe knocked it out of the park, but the movie is too odd for most viewers I think.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

TV | Holy Hell | Liked It

Whereas the previous guru wasn't seemingly evil and manipulative for no other reason than his own psychosis, this dude is a freak and full on crazy. Fortunately, he didn't kill anybody.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

TV | Enlighten Us | Liked It

The full title is Enlighten Us: The Rise and Fall of James Arthur Ray. Very interesting documentary focusing on a modern-day "self-help guru" that became embroiled in a scandal that involved the deaths of three of his followers.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

TV | Crazyhead | Really Liked It

This, on the other hand, doesn't have a dull moment. Even the scenes where there's just two characters passing dialogue back and forth are interesting. Overman's brilliant vibe from Misfits returns and somehow he found yet another genius cast and the perfect soundtrack. Again! Fantastic.

Movie | The Family | Liked It

I hate to say it, but this may be Luc Besson's most boring movie. It wasn't bad, it just didn't move along very quickly. I still liked it.