Saturday, August 30, 2014

TV | Low Winter Sun | Pass

Well done and there's enough of a twist to the goings on that it feels fresh. I just got too bored to complete the first season and it's been since cancelled.

Movie | Samhain Live 1984 | PAss

A perfect example of when the content outweighs the horrific cinematography. Okay, there was none. It's terribly filmed and recorded. I never got to see Samhain live, so this is priceless.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Movie | The Colony | Pass

Bill Paxton + end of the world = 'nuf said!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Movie | The Wall | PASS

Stunning. The ending was very difficult for me to watch. Still, it was amazing...more of an experience than your typical movie. This is the first film from this director and that usually means things are downhill from here. Let's hope that's incorrect, because this was super fresh and brilliant.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

TV | Yonderland | PASS

Puppets are dumb, at least in a show aimed at adults. Somehow, this show makes them bearable. Probably because they don't appear in every scene. Really cute show, clever and not dopey.

TV | Jeremiah | Pass

Cheesy fun.

TV | Legends | Fail

Boring. Just seen it too many times for it to be exciting.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Movie | Prisoners | Fail

Clearly well done, BUT...

Cruelty to children...check. Cruelty to animals...check. Tortureporn...most likely. I got 40 minutes in and the the three no-nos got checked off and...I'm out.

TV | 10 Things You Don't Know About | Pass

Interesting if you like obscure trivia. I happen to, given the right subject, so I liked some episodes far more than others. Rollins is looking great and is fun to watch. I thought he looked odd, but it's that terrible Photoshoped picture above; he doesn't look like that at all.

Movie | Frozen | Fail

We made it about 30 minutes in and were bored the entire time. It's cute, that's for sure. But it's really aimed at young girls and it didn't seem like there were five minutes that went by when they wouldn't break into song for no reason. Maybe we'll try it again someday, but probably not. Just not our cup of Disney tea.

Movie | Only Lovers Left Alive | PAss

I wanted something special for the 200th post this year and that's what I got - emo vampires in desolate Detroit and tangy Tangiers, as only Jarmusch could. Too slow for probably, well, anybody but me but I liked it a lot.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Book | An American Demon | PASS

Excellent, but consider yourself warned. This is not the documentation of SoCal punk that you'd expect, it's a look into the inner workings of a very disturbed young man. Will he survive the day and turn it all around or will he end up dead in a ditch? Read it and find out...

Monday, August 18, 2014

Movie | The Lone Ranger | PASs

This is not what you're expecting and it's definitely not for kids, much less most adults. What is it then? It's a sweeping, epic, violent Western mixed with brief moments of humor and nostalgia. We loved it!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Movie | Cuban Fury | PASS

Delightful and a perfect date movie. Great cast and great soundtrack.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Movie | Mesrine: Killer Instinct | PASs

Brilliant. Can't think of a better gangster flick, honestly. Sure there are some others that are classics. But the truth is that they're kind of boring in spots. This flick never lets up. Even the credits are nerve wracking. Cassel is always fascinating to watch, too. I will be seeing the second part for sure.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Movie | Speak of the Devil | PAss

Interesting documentary that works extremely hard to capture a rather obtuse and difficult to pin down subject. At times downright hilarious, sad, touching and unsurprisingly bizarre, I was left with a feeling of not really knowing who this person is/was...what was bs and what wasn't, what made him tick and that's probably just fine. Who really knows anybody anyway. The bottom line is that it was well worth watching. Thanks for the loan, PW!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Movie | After Earth | PAss

There must be something wrong with me because I rather liked this mainly because of the interestingly organic sci-fi elements and Shyamalan's touch, whom I continue to hope will return to form (this was a good step in the right direction). The younger Smith is not particularly enjoyable to watch, but he didn't ruin the whole thing for me. People are haters and they're clouded by their preconceived notions (like I'm not...). Despite all of that, this is a very decent bit of science fiction. I don't care what anybody else says.

Movie | Wristcutters: A Love Story | PASs

I really enjoyed this. A lot.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Movie | The Lego Movie | Pass

It was interesting because we'd just watched Despicable Me 2 again for the second time. That movie was as clever and inventive as this movie...wasn't. This is a pastiche of cliche, despite the visual interest of making a movie out of legos (though it was clearly computer generated, which took away some of the amazement) and some humorous lines. This is a movie for less jaded watchers than me, I guess. Fortunately, the last thirty minutes really picks up and makes the time spent worth it. Still, I was expecting more - a lot more.

TV | The Honourable Woman | Fail

Clearly well done, just not our cup of tea. That's a fault of ours, not this show.

Movie | Here Comes the Boom | Pass

Surprisingly entertaining, this is no great shakes and doesn't stand out in any way. Still, it had real heart and it was really fun to see all of the MMA guys.

Movie | Careful | PASs

Maddin is a genius, no doubt. This was more fun to watch.

Movie | Tales from the Gimli Hospital | PAss

What Maddin can do is amazing. This wasn't one of my favorite movies of his, but it was still worth seeing.

TV | Black Jesus | Fail

Decent premise doesn't equate to a watchable show.

Movie | Heavy Metal 2000 | Pass

I've tried watching this several times and never got through it entirely. Well, now I have and it wasn't half bad.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

TV | Partners | Fail

What the...this is just about the dumbest thing I've seen on television in a long time, which is to say that shows like this have seen their day long gone. Don't know what they were shooting for here or what they were thinking. I just ended up feeling bad for everyone involved because they are so much more talented than this.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

TV | The Strain | PASs

I didn't want to like this, but I do. It's gross, scary, interesting, builds tension well and the soundtrack is by the fantastic Ramin Djawadi. If I had one critique, is that it's a little lifeless visually. If you're into horror movies, this is must-see television.