Monday, October 31, 2016

Movie | Phantasm II | Liked It

The bad acting and mildly stupid dialogue are back! And yet there's real charm to this horror-adventure franchise. The later element has been ramped up a bit in this installment; this time it's a badass vigilante road movie featuring Mike and Reggie. Weirdly, they have James Le Gros playing an older Mike this time around, with less than success results, though it's no fault of Le Gros. Plus, he gets a pass because this was his first major starring role. But replacing A. Michael Baldwin just comes across as not so believable. Why not just write it so that Baldwin could play himself again? I've read that the studio decreed it to be so, despite the creator's wishes. That sounds something typically boneheaded that a studio would do. Bannister is still as bad as he was in the first one and the script depicts Reggie's relationship with Mike as a tad creepy unto itself.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Movie | Zone Troopers | Liked It-ish

Over the years, I've seen the box and poster for this movie so many times that I'd convinced myself that I'd already seen it. Now I have, for sure. It was kinda fun; very much inspired by military/sci-fi blends that used to be all the rage in comic books back in the day.

Movie | Mordecai | Liked It-ish

Reminded me of Jeeves and Wooster at times, but what was the point here? It wasn't completely unlikable, but at the same time it wasn't all that enjoyable, either.

Movie | Legend | Liked It-ish

Another movie about the Kray brothers, this was really just a platform for Tom Hardy to play dual roles. Which is no bad thing...but still, this ended up being rather boring. Maybe I'm just not all that interested in the premise in the first place. I haven't seen The Rise of the Krays or The Fall of the Krays, but I liked the The Krays from 1990 better than this. This was just too focused on being stylish and glitzy. It also got some of the facts wrong, such as Ronnie was not just gay, he was bisexual. Also, their older brother Charlie, who was also a criminal, is never mentioned.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Movie | Scout's Guide to the Zombie Apocolypse | Liked It


Movie | Dracula's Daughter | Liked It

Picks up where the original left off. Full of character, humor and dark ambiance.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

TV | Berlin Station | Didn't Like It

Boring, despite Ifans.

Movie | Zoolander 2 | Liked It-ish

It had moments.

Movie | Deadpool | Liked It

Without the actors and the dialogue, this movie would be a complete waste of time. The plot was written for and possibly by monkeys and/or people who have never seen a movie before and are floored by CGI action FX. Boom! Bang! Blast! Superhero movies, even the ones that feature anti-superheros, still suck. Being about an anti-hero isn't enough of a "twist" to make it interesting after all of the myriad examples that beat the genre into the dirt. This sub-genre is so dead it's sad. Really, branch out a little, people!

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Movie | The Bronze | Liked It

Crazily, I liked this. It has an 80s-ish feel to the plot and script. It was a lot of fun. Beware; prolific profanity!

Monday, October 17, 2016

Movie | The Equalizer | Really Liked It

Being a big fan of the original tv show, I was hesitant to see this remake/reboot/whatever. But it was absolutely excellent and I really enjoyed it, including the small nods to the origin story, like the Jaguar for example. Can't wait for the second movie (which is saying something, for me)!

Movie | The Meddler | Liked It

Sarandon is one of the great actors of our time and here she takes a rather one dimensional character and blows it out of the water. Despite a less than promising premise, there are laugh out loud moments and real pathos.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Movie | Spring | Liked It-ish

What a letdown. Beautifully made and the acting was excellent, not to mention the interesting soundtrack. But, ultimately, it wasn't a very good movie due to a boring, uninvolving script, which resulted in very few reasons to give a damn about the characters or what's going on. The hipsters strike again.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Movie | Phantasm | Liked It

I remember when this movie came out and all of my friends told me that I must see it. Well, here we are nearly 40 years later and I've finally gotten around to it. They told me that I'd really like the music and the cinematography...they were right! Some bad acting, cheesy editing and some slow spots didn't ruin it for me.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

TV | Westworld | Liked It

They had two directions they could have taken this; dark or campy. They chose the former and I'm not sure that's a good thing because it also made the whole thing a bit drab and dull. Maybe it's jut me, but I thought the writing was predictable too.

Monday, October 10, 2016

TV | Fear the Walking Dead (Season 2, Second Half) | Really Liked It

Okay, it's official; this show is every bit as good as The Walking Dead. Fan-freakin-tastic!

TV | The Strain (Season 3) | Really Liked It

Continues to be one of the best action horror tv series on.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Movie | WolfCop | Liked It-ish

From Wolf Creek to WolfCop, I think I'll stay away from movies with the word wolf in them for a while. This was okay and had sort of fun moments, but it was also unsatisfying at the same time. There wasn't much in the way of clever or unexpected going on.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Monday, October 3, 2016

Movie | Wolf Creek | Didn't Like It

After the excellent These Final Days, this was a huge disappointment. More than the first hour is like watching paint dry, I didn't give a damn about the characters and the script was written for idiots. Terrible; there are far better Ozploitation flicks out there. Maybe the tv series is better, I'm never going to see the sequel and so who cares. I feel bad for Nathan Phillips and Greg McLean because this movie is so far below their talents that it should be forgotten forever.

Rule #1 and #3. There's probably #2 in there too, fer chrissake.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Movie | Island of Terror | Didn't Like It

Island of Terrible is more like it.

TV | Son of Zorn | Liked It

Certainly watchable.

Movie | Hello, My Name is Doris | Liked It

A great cast makes a rather trite script interesting.