Monday, October 31, 2016

Movie | Phantasm II | Liked It

The bad acting and mildly stupid dialogue are back! And yet there's real charm to this horror-adventure franchise. The later element has been ramped up a bit in this installment; this time it's a badass vigilante road movie featuring Mike and Reggie. Weirdly, they have James Le Gros playing an older Mike this time around, with less than success results, though it's no fault of Le Gros. Plus, he gets a pass because this was his first major starring role. But replacing A. Michael Baldwin just comes across as not so believable. Why not just write it so that Baldwin could play himself again? I've read that the studio decreed it to be so, despite the creator's wishes. That sounds something typically boneheaded that a studio would do. Bannister is still as bad as he was in the first one and the script depicts Reggie's relationship with Mike as a tad creepy unto itself.

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