Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Movie | Outlander | Pass

I love it when genres are mixed. In this film, not to be confused with the Sean Connery classic Outland, the genres of scifi, medieval swords and dragons are thrown together.

I'd rather not give away the plot, but the start of the film is a soldier from another time and space crash lands in Norway, 700ad. Unfortunately, he brought something with him. Something that wants to kill and eat everyone.

Great action, good music, nice effects. There are a couple of notable actors, but mostly they are a bunch of unknowns (at least to me). Ron Perlman is the exception and he plays a bit role. Regardless, the acting is just fine.

This 2008 flick starred James Caviezel. He was excellent. Very reserved...a stranger in a strange land (of Vikings).
And let us not forget the gorgeous, lush and powerful score by Geoff Zanelli, who also did the Hitman soundtrack. Awesome.

If you liked Reign of Fire, you'll love this one. It's epic.

Two enthusiastic thumbs up!

1 comment:

  1. I liked the movie but could only give it one thumb up. Caviezel is excellent (as usual) but the plot was silly, had huge holes and I felt it had the usual "anti-christian" hollywood line in its use of the lone monk.
