Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Movie | Return To Me | Pass

This was on cable last night. We've seen it several times, including an original viewing in the theater back in 2000. Surely this is one of our favorite "date" movies of all time. Not too cheesy for the guys and the good for the gals!

David Duchovny stars as a guy who's wife has died. Minnie Driver is the woman that received her donated heart after the accident. You can see where this is going and there certainly is a wonderful way that this movie develops.

The supporting cast is superb, too. Everything about this movie is superb, in fact. If you're looking for a "date" movie and you haven't seen this one yet - get it!

Two thumbs up!


  1. Don't know why you gave it a fail. I agree this is a great date movie but then I am the sensative type....

  2. Ack! You're right! Me typins fingerages went a little wonky there, shoulda been a Pass-eroo!
