Monday, January 25, 2010

Movie | The Vindicator | Pass

This movie got a Pass not because it was even remotely good, but because it was hilariously bad in such a special 80s Exploitation way.

A scientist is killed in a lab and his body is used to create a cyborg for the military(? - it's not entirely clear). Think Robocop without any control, mixed with Frankenstein (down to the scene where he shows empathy to a, who needs originality?!?). He goes into aggression mode if you touch him and he can't control himself.

The acting is just so bad that you feel sorry for the actors. Surely they are all better than this. Several of the faces were recognizable, but I could only identify a few, including Pam Grier and Maury Chaykin. Grier plays some sort of gun for hire, tasked with getting rid of The Vindicator by the people who created him, Chaykin is a scientist in the background and has pretty much no role at all.

The director of this flotsam also directed Eddie and the Cruisers Part 2, so that gives you a really good idea of what to expect here. Nothing whatsoever.

Very, very dated and a terrible movie unless you want to laugh at the 80s cliches...for which it's perfect!

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